I love weddings and lucky me I get to attend so many gorgeous weddings all over the country, surrounded by so many wonderful chatty people and yet I am quite a shy person, a funny career choice one might say but my shyness is short lived once I get to know everyone in the morning and with my camera in hand I sit on the periphery observing and watching like I am watching a movie unfold in front of my eyes. I observe the emotion, the love the dance between people as they interact, the cousins that have not seen each other since they played together as children, now fully grown adults in awe of how grown up they look. The mum or dad as they stop for a moment, frozen in time to drink it all in, their eyes well up and recede in a mere moment and as suddenly as they stopped they begin to move again not releasing that someone captured them having a moment that they will have forgotten.

Image credit Livia Figueiredo

 Precious moments are just that, precious, and although it is amazing when we can be present in a moment in time and really feel it, we just want that moment to go on forever.  This is what film has done for me, it captures those moments so they can be enjoyed over and over again.I love what I do.  I love love, who doesn’t, I hear it at so many weddings listening to so many speeches and how loved the couple always feel, having all the people they care about gather in one place, for one day, for them.  You can feel it, the happiness, joy and love and it is this emotion as intangible as it is I try to capture.  If you would like a wedding videographer, a romantic storyteller who is in her happy place surrounded by all that is love and joy please drop me a line I would love to hear from you..